My Listings

My Listings" on PulseMarket is a dedicated section where users can view and manage all the NFTs they have listed for sale or auction, as well as track the status of auctions won. This section typically includes four subsections:

The "My Listings" section provides users with a convenient overview of their NFT-related activities on the marketplace, offering them easy access to manage their sales, auctions, and offers efficiently. This section is essential for sellers to monitor their listings' performance, track successful auctions, and engage with potential buyers effectively.

Direct Listings: In the "Direct Listings" section, you can see all your NFTs which you have put up for sale with fixed prices. These are your listings which potential buyers can purchase via the main listings section at the specified price without the need for a bidding process. The seller sets the price for each NFT, and interested buyers can make a straightforward purchase by paying the set amount in the supported cryptocurrency.

Auctions: The "Auctions" section displays all the NFTs you put up for auction, potential buyers place bids on the NFTs via the main listing page, competing to offer the highest price. The highest bidder at the end of the auction period wins the NFT. This section allows users to track the progress of their ongoing auctions, including the current highest bid, auction duration, and time remaining before the auction ends.

Auctions Won: The "Auctions Won" subsection shows the NFTs the user has successfully won in previous auctions. Here, the user can view the details of the NFTs they acquired through the auction process, such as the auction title and winning bid amount.

Offers Given: The "Offers Given" section displays the offers the user has made to purchase NFTs listed by other sellers. This feature allows users to make offers for NFTs they are interested in buying, even if the NFT is not listed in an auction or direct listing format.

Offers Received: The "Offers Received" section displays the offers the user has received from potential buyers interested in purchasing their NFTs. This feature allows sellers to receive offers for their NFTs even if they are not listed in an auction or direct listing format.

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